It’s all in the stats: The truth about the importance of your smile

Did you know that 24% of Americans say the teeth are what they remember most about someone after meeting them?

Interestingly enough, teeth and the state of your smile have a huge impact on your career, dating life, and your personal satisfaction. Check out some fascinating statistics regarding the subject.


74% of people believe unattractive teeth can hurt the level of success in your career

Someone with straight teeth is believed to be 45% more likely than those with crooked teeth to get a job when competing with someone who has a similar skill set and experience

Someone with straight teeth is also 58% more likely to be seen as successful and wealthy.

Dating/Social Life

38% of Americans would consider not going on a second date with someone who has misaligned teeth. Far fewer would ditch someone who lives with his or her parents (23%).

This is surprising!

Those with straight teeth are 21% more likely to be seen as happy, 47% more likely to be viewed as healthy, and 38% more likely to be perceived as smart.

73% would be more likely to trust someone with a nice smile than someone with a good job, outfit, or car.

When it comes to attracting a possible mate on a dating site, those with straight teeth are seen as 57% more likely than those with crooked teeth to get a date based on their picture alone.

Self Esteem

45% of people are currently unhappy with the appearance of their teeth

57% of Americans would rather have a nice smile than clear skin.


It seems that people at least perceive the smile as a important quality, and find that other people’s smiles impact more than just their appearance. As a result…

  • 87% would forego something for a year in order to have a nice smile for the rest of their life.
  • 39% would give up dessert and 37% would give up vacations for a better smile for the rest of their life.When polled, Americans would pay an average of $11,420 to have a nice smile for the rest of their lives. 
About the author

A practicing dentist since 1982, Dr. Gary Imm, provides advanced cosmetic dentistry, including smile makeovers, sedation, implant and TMJ services. He is committed to progressive, extraordinary care for his guests. All Smiles Dental Care trains at least 300 hours each year at such prestigious centers as the Las Vegas Institute of Advanced Dentistry. (LVI)

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