5 things you can do to afford the cost of dental implant treatment

cost of dental implants baltimore westminsterThe cost of dental implant treatment can often be steep and many times it is something that prevents people who desperately need to get dental implants from doing so. However, if you have struggled with the cost of dental implant treatment in the past, you may be surprised that there are several ways that you can pay for this type of treatment in the future so that it will not be the financial burden for you or your loved ones. This can help you better prepare for caring for your oral health. In doing so, you are likely protecting your overall physical well being.

1. Don’t rule out dental insurance

If you have dental insurance, you can use this to pay for a portion of the cost of dental implant treatment. It is important to recognize that dental insurance rarely covers the entire cost of many procedures. However, it will likely cover enough to make a dent in the amount of money that you owe. It is important not to overlook dental insurance just because it is unlikely to cover the entire procedure. Instead, cover as much of the cost as possible with insurance and then look for other options to cover the remaining expense.

2. Talk to your your dentist

One important factor that you should always consider is talking to your dentist about your concerns. You may be surprised at how much your Westminster dentist is willing to work with you if you are upfront about your concerns about paying for this type of treatment. In addition, your dentist may know about treatment options that can reduce the cost that you may be unaware of. Therefore, take the time to speak with your dentist about the costs that are associated with your treatment in order to find out if there are effective ways of reducing your cost so that it is easier to pay for.

3.  Look into pre or post payment plans

You may be able to work out a payment plan with your dentist directly. You also may find that you can use your insurance to pay for a certain portion of the expenses and then work out a payment plan with your dentist to cover the remainder. It is definitely worth asking and a surprising number of dentists are willing to work out these types of agreements with you. However, it requires that you be persistent enough to ask the question.

 4. Start a savings plan

It is always a good idea to have a savings account. You never know when you’ll need extra funds for unexpected issues. This is especially true concerning the payment of medical expenses. If you start saving now, you’ll be much better prepared in the event of unexpected medical or dental expenses. You may even have enough money in the account to pay for everything without having to work out a payment plan. Even if you can only save a small amount, it is important to save as much as you can do in order to use the money for payment of your expenses for treatment. It is one more tool that you can use to reduce the amount of money that you will have to pay every month.

 5. Don’t do it all at once

Finally, keep in mind that you can do a portion of your dental work and then wait until you are able to better afford the cost of care to do the rest. If is not necessary that you complete all of your dental work at one time, work with your dentist to find a way to break up the treatment into smaller portions that are more easily affordable.

Learn more about managing the cost of dental treatment

Why does dental care seem so expensive? The reasons are too numerous and complex to list here. If you would like to learn more about how to make your dental treatment more affordable, download my free e-book on dental costs. Dental care is a key component to your overall health, plan wisely for yours.

About the author

A practicing dentist since 1982, Dr. Gary Imm, provides advanced cosmetic dentistry, including smile makeovers, sedation, implant and TMJ services. He is committed to progressive, extraordinary care for his guests. All Smiles Dental Care trains at least 300 hours each year at such prestigious centers as the Las Vegas Institute of Advanced Dentistry. (LVI)

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