Gum Recession Pain

There are few things more painful than a toothache or other oral conditions — including gum recession. Your mouth is filled with highly sensitive nerve endings, and without proper care and good oral hygiene, these nerve endings can become exposed and leave you gasping for relief.

At All Smiles Care, we’re industry leaders in the field of oral health. Our 30+ years of experience have allowed us to quickly identify the source of gum recession, as well as build treatment plans to help patients get relief. In this article, we will discuss some of the common causes of gum recession pain and offer solutions on how to stop pain from receding gums.

Common Causes of Gum Recession Pain

Gum recession pain doesn’t happen overnight. While common, the slow process of receding gum is often the result of bad dental care habits, as well as a diet that contains too much sugar or processed foods. Some of the most common causes of gum recession pain include the following:

  • Plaque and tartar buildup: Brushing your teeth is essential for good oral hygiene. Failure to brush twice a day can result in a buildup of plaque and tartar, which can erode tooth enamel and cause gum recession over time.
  • Brushing too vigorously: While brushing is crucial to your dental health, brushing too roughly can have the same corrosive effects as plaque and tartar buildup. Be sure to go easy on your delicate gums, as well as your sensitive tooth enamel, next time you brush your teeth!
  • Smoking and tobacco use: Tobacco contains a range of destructive chemicals — including arsenic, lead, formaldehyde, and more. Not only are these harmful to every cell in your body, but they’re also a leading cause of pain from receding gums.
  • Periodontal disease: Periodontal disease is a serious infection of the gums and bones that support your teeth. In the early stages of this disease, you may experience gum recession pain, but in more advanced cases may result in destruction of the jaw bone.

In addition to these, there may be a slew of other causes to your gum recession and tooth pain. In order to receive an accurate diagnosis, it’s important to see a qualified dentist for a thorough examination.


How To Stop Pain From Receding Gums

If you’re experiencing gum recession pain, your primary concern is probably finding out how to stop pain due to receding gums. In this section, we’ll go over some of the home treatments you can use to relieve your gum pain and get back to feeling like yourself.

Hot or Cold Compress

A time-tested method of pain relief is a hot or cold compress. For a hot compress, you should gently heat a bit of water — to a temperature that’s safe for contact with your skin — soak a cloth, then wring out any excess water and place it against the part of your face where you’re experiencing pain. For cold compresses, follow the same instruction, substituting a cloth soaked in hot water with ice wrapped in cloth.

Rinse With Saltwater

Salt is a natural antiseptic. A salt water rinse will help clear out any existing bacteria in your mouth — which is a common source of gum recession pain — as well as help prevent new bacteria from forming. Begin by gently heating a cup of water and adding a teaspoon of salt. Rinse your mouth with the salt water for several seconds, then spit, taking care not to swallow the mixture.

Tea Bags

The ingredients in herbal teas have a variety of therapeutic benefits. Before using tea to help soothe your gum recession pain, it’s important to select the correct variety. For oral pain, we recommend chamomile because of its anti-inflammatory benefits. Black tea and green tea are also known to have cleansing properties. Boil the tea bag, let cool, and then apply to the affected area.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Yes, you read that right. Hydrogen peroxide isn’t just for cuts. Mixing a 1:1 ratio of ¼ cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide and ¼ cup of water can help with swollen gums. Simply swish for 30 seconds and spit the mixture out. You can do this a few times a week, if needed.


Turmeric is both a natural antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. It can be purchased as a paste, which can then be applied to the affected area. This treatment can be used daily for up to two weeks or until the pain subsides.

Dental Treatment

When all else fails, it may be time to call in the experts. A professional dentist can offer a range of in-office treatments, including bacterial testing, full-mouth disinfection, scaling and root planing, laser therapy, and more. For a list of services available at All Smiles Care, visit our services page for additional information.


Gum Recession Pain Relief at All Smiles Care

Are you ready to get relief from your gum recession pain? All Smiles Care is here to help. Our compassionate team will provide a thorough examination, diagnosis, and treatment plan to get your oral health back on track. To learn more, check out our gum disease treatment options or contact one of our helpful team members today for additional information.