Are your favorites on the list? We aren’t suggesting that you avoid your favorite holiday treats–this season only comes once a year of course! Just be aware of what you are consuming, and use moderation. Don’t forget to brush!
1. Holiday beverages– Alcoholic beverages, punch, egg nog, and hot cider are all loaded with sugar, and can leave a residue on your teeth long after you have enjoyed them. Swish with water afterwards, and consider them a treat.
2. Candy canes and other hard candies– Any hard candy that lingers in your mouth and becomes sticky can be harmful to your teeth. The stickiness makes the sugar remain on your teeth and can form harmful bacteria in your mouth. Also, don’t make the mistake of chewing hard candies, which can pull out old fillings.
3. Caramels and chewy treats– Not only can the high sugar content cause cavities, these goodies can stick on your teeth all day.
4. Christmas cookies– Enjoy the cookies, but be aware they can also be very high in sugar.
The common denominator in all of these treats is the sugar, which combines with bacteria in your mouth, and produces acid, which can eat away at the enamel of your teeth. Don’t deprive yourself of your favorite holiday fare, but instead take extra care to brush and floss thoroughly, even after a late night party when it may be tempting to skip. Practice moderation–more than just your teeth will thank you!